Mental Health Transport

Patient Transport (UK) have years of experience and expertise in the transportation of individuals detained under the Mental Health Act.
Our mental health vehicles feature specific seating layouts to allow our highly trained staff to deliver a quality, patient centred service that is always dignified, safe and secure. Vehicles are equipped with Home Office Category B cells for use when necessary.
PTUK deliver these services using a dedicated team consisting of highly trained staff who undergo extensive specialist training and testing in addition to their basic training in order to join our Secure Division.
We aim to reduce restraint by using a range of de-escalation and conflict management techniques, using empathy, care and patience and always putting the individual first.
Staff are trained in the use of non-harmful methods of physical intervention and break-away techniques for situations that cannot be avoided.
We provide extensive training in mechanical restraint and carry restraint equipment whilst on duty as a precautionary measure. Before learning any physical skills, all staff undergo training in, but not limited to, Human Rights and the Laws surrounding the use of force, reporting the use of force, national regulations and guidelines alongside the dangers of restraint.
PTUK maintains a strong Least Restrictive Practice Policy and through our staff we are all working towards the constant reduction of restraint and physical interventions and aim to deliver safe, therapeutic and comfortable journeys to the individuals we are entrusted with.